Without further ado, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is finally official. The manufacturer’s flagship will be running Android 4.4.2 on a 2.5 GHz quad-core processor with 2 GB of RAM, in either 16 or 32 GB flavors. As far as screen size is concerned, the device treads fabled territory with its 1080p 5.1 inch display, topped off with an IR blaster and USB 3.0 rounding out the inputs.

Among other notable features, the 16-megapixel camera on the back can shoot 4K video at 30 FPS, and has a new selective focus to provide simulated depth of field. Samsung is claiming 21 hours of talk time from the Samsung Galaxy S5′s 2800 mAh battery, plus a new power-saving mode that flips the display to black and white. In addition to that, there is also a fingerprint scanner and a heart rate monitor on board. Lastly, the Galaxy S5 is fully dust resistant and waterproof up to 1 meter of submersion. Working in conjunction with the revamped S Health 3.0, Samsung also introduced a number of new smartwatches.

source: mobile88

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