All these times when rumors and speculations on Samsung Galaxy S5 have been springing up left, right and center, more attention were devoted to its build material (plastic vs. metal) than its supposed specs, rightly so as the predominantly plastic S4 was widely lampooned, resulting in lukewarm sales overall.

Today’s rumor (or non-rumor, as the source claims) centered on its hardware and if the source is anything to go by, these are essentially what we are going to see in the S5. But firstly, let’s start off with the debate of material. The S5 is “confirmed” to be coming in two versions, a metal one and a plastic one (sounds familiar?) with the metal one the more expensive model naturally. Additionally, the metal variant will not only sport a metal back panel but also on the front and the sides.
And these, so far, are the confirmed specs of the S5 –
  • 2,560 x 1,440 resolution AMOLED display
  • 16MP camera
  • Exynos 6/Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 (non-LTE/LTE)
  • Android 4.4 KitKat
Display size is still up in the air though, with a 5.25-incher being mooted as the most possible one. Then it’s unclear whether the back camera will feature optical image stabilization (OIS). So as other specs such as RAM and battery capacity
And if that’s not enough valuable info, it is also confirmed that Samsung will be following their modus operandi of the last year by releasing different versions of the flagship, in this case, the S5 Mini and S5 Zoom. Both versions will be released either in May or June, not long after the supposed release of the S5 in April.
With so many details apparently already been confirmed, we are now dying for some leak photos of the actual device. Bring on the blur photos! - more
(Source: SamMobile)

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