Ampa x percaya ke? Jom follow tutorial nie >.< . Sebelum tu korang kena download dulu aplikasi calculator tu disini.
1. lepas download korang extract Calc-En-v510
2. kalau nak lebih jelas cara ni, korang buka file Calc-En-v510.gif untuk tuto lehih jelas
3. run Calc.exe
4. lepas aplikasi tu terbuka korang taip 123 dan click MS. maka akan keluar tulisan safe mode.
+ STORAGE: stores the file in the safe
- RESTITUTION: Restores the file from the safe
* EXTRACTION: Extracts a copy of the file stored from the safe
/ DISPLAY/EXECUTION: Displays or runs the file stored (deleting a text file after its display)
sqrt DISPLAY/EXECUTION + EXIT: ditto the Display/Execution command, then closes the calculator
1/x UPDATING: Replaces the file stored with a new file the same name
= CONFIRMATION: Confirm action
selepas siap save file korang tu dia akan keluar gini
File stored: test-Extrected.txt bla bla
untuk extract korang follow jer kat command tu. sekian terima kasih :)
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